Two things I generally avoid talking about in any kind of mixed company: religion and politics. I'm REALLY done with looking at anything political lately as it only serves to stir up my already steaming temper, so let's talk the other.
People are supposed to kind of keep those beliefs to themselves I suppose. They don't. Here in 'Merica yer gonna burn in hell if yew don fine Jesus. I'm okay with that. Remarkably okay. I would much rather surround myself with scientific minds and rebellious geniuses in the most fiery furnaces imaginable than be surrounded by gullible, backwoods Neanderthals in lofty, climate-controlled bliss if that's what you would like to believe.
I don't think all religious folks are ignorant. There are plenty of completely amazing, competent and intelligent people from all religious sects. I just don't subscribe to them. I don't pretend to be a better person than them or know more about the world and why it is the way it is. I never push my theories and ideas or even opinions on others about this topic. Quite the opposite, I am often forced to tip-toe my way through life carrying the ideas that I do.
It angers me that I worry about offending others so much when most Christians/Catholics/God-fearing folk have no qualms about throwing their message in my face. They often go even further and call me names, try to convert me, blatantly refuse to be my friend or agree to just disagree. I can take all this. I do it a little frustrated, but I take it. I have been an atheist since I was seven years old when I came to the realization on my own that there was no god. I have known since that time that my line of thinking was unpopular and I should keep it to myself.
What REALLY enrages me, is when people target my children with their religious nonsense. I don't disguise how I feel about religion. I don't wave it in people's faces and try to spark controversy. It's how I do things and it doesn't affect others. WHY on Earth would people who KNOW my stance on this try to teach my children that their mother is wrong?! Why would they try to lure my kids in with their biblical stories and church songs and brain washing when they KNOW I am against it?! Why wage war on someone who so peacefully sees things in a different light? I just don't get it.
People who don't know me do it. Religion is everywhere. I would have preferred to educate my children on religion when they were a bit older and able to understand that "God" is an abstract concept, not some great being in the sky playing Santa. I have had to advance my training due to forces outside our home. The pledge of allegiance is offensive to our way of thinking. Girl Scouts' pledge is against our ideas. Instead of freaking out and going to the school board or the Girl Scouts' Board, I educate my kids. I talk to them about what's right and what's wrong. They know how to be helpful members in their community and to be kind to others. They are confused about one thing, how come so many people want them to believe in something that they have no interest in? Religious folks......leave them kids alone.
I want my children to think for themselves. If later in life, they decide to learn about religion when they are old enough to understand and not just believe what they are told, that will be their choice! For now, I want them educated scientifically and to grasp the world around them as it really is. I want them to challenge themselves and others and never stop asking questions. So go raise your own kids, spread your message at your church, stand outside with your cardboard signs advertising your idiocy, but stop projecting onto us. We are good without god.