Anyway, the creative juices are flowing again! I'm going to do a re-design soon and another "Best of..." from my kids' daily insanity is in the works. Other things I'm not going to get all share-y about as well. Let's get back to what I'm supposed to be doing here....updating.
The boy. He is a truly unique creature. He is the only person in the WORLD that can make me beam with pride and sigh with exasperation at the EXACT SAME TIME. My last post about him was just so sad for me and scary. I saw him turning this path and it freaked me out. Luckily, I seemed to have found help for him at the right time from the right people. Today, he is now a COMPLETELY different kid from the picture I last painted. Don't get me wrong.....he still has his moments.
We are getting ready for his FOURTH birthday and I'm going all mental about it. Four is that age where you can finally reason with them. They start being their own people more and more and pushing away the tastes you impose upon them. Turns out, this little guy is quite shy, empathetic, funny, kind of a germ-o-phobe, and likes adding "butt" to every word imaginable. Pretty typical for four. I'm really proud of how far he has come in just a couple months! Happy birthday to my favorite guy in the universe.
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