Monday, August 22, 2011

Rookie Lessons

Last night concluded my rookie season as a derby girl. It was a little sad to have this chapter come to a close, but the new challenges and experiences that lie ahead are far more exciting!!! Pretty soon we will be the helping hands to a new crop of derby fresh meat. We get to help them along, impart our wisdom and fan the flames of the desire for this all consuming and incredible sport! Today I'm sore and sleepy with a wary smile, compiling what I have learned throughout the journey just ended. There are SO many lessons and tips I have picked up along the way....I scaled this down to the bare essentials.

  1. Sweat is sexy.
  2. Spraying your pads between washings is essential.
  3. Love and listen to your teammates. It helps on and off the rink.
  4. Attack without fear and hug it out later. Leave the anger on the rink where it belongs.
  5. Bruises are also sexy and you start to miss them when they fade.
  6. Hydration is more important than ANYTHING else in the summer. 
  7. Fishnets aren't broken in until they are broken.
  8. Derby friends say "yes" when your other friends say "no".
  9. If at first you don't succeed, practice, practice, practice!
  10. Refs are smarter than they look. (hee hee) Their tips can save your game.
  11.  Garters are a bitch to skate in.
  12. LOVE your knees. They take everything the hardest, you must treat them extra nice!
  13. Epsom salts are a miracle.
  14. Fans will love you even when you lose.
  15. Play your best with all your heart and you will never have a single regret.
  16. Check your fears at the door. (I am still working on this...getting it down slowly!)
  17. EVERYONE will agree that a great bra is your best investment. (besides your perfect skates of course!)
  18. Love your league and try not to just hang out with your team. Branch out and get to know everyone!
  19. Ask not what your league can do for you, but what you can do for your league.
  20. Skate until it breaks you. At. Every. Practice. 
I feel so lucky to have found something I am passionate about. Feel free to add any more advice or lessons YOU have picked up along the way! I may not be a rookie anymore, but I still have lots to learn!


  1. 21. If you think something hurts, it doesn't hurt yet. You don't hurt until you KNOW you hurt and can't make yourself move even with someone depending on you.

  2. Wear something crazy, or that you wouldn't DARE wear anywhere else. It's fun, and you'd be surprised how much confidence it'll give you on the track. Besides, just because I'm not 5 anymore doesn't mean I don't want to dress up in something other than office/church attire!!
